The Ultimate Mordekaiser Guide Patch (2024)

Welcome, to the ultimate guide to playing Mordekaiser in League of Legends Patch 13.15, the Iron Revenant! If you're looking to smash your enemies into oblivion and laugh while doing it, you've come to the right place. We'll cover everything from the best shiny trinkets to buy, to how to poke your enemies with your giant mace (hint: it's Q). So, buckle up, and prepare to become the master of metal and mayhem in the top lane!

Summoner Spells:

1. Flash - This is a must-have for Mordekaiser as it helps him engage or disengage from fights.

2. Teleport - This spell allows Mordekaiser to have a global presence, helping him to join team fights or defend towers quickly.


1. Primary Path: Precision

- Keystone: Conqueror

- Triumph

- Legend: Tenacity

- Last Stand

2. Secondary Path: Sorcery

- Nimbus Cloak

- Transcendence

Stat Shards:

1. 10% Attack Speed

2. 9 Adaptive Force

3. 6 Armor

Items to Buy:

1. Starting Items: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield, Dark Seal & Health potions, Refillable Potion

2. First Back Options: Aether Wisp, Blasting Wand, Plated Steelcaps or Boots of Swiftness, Bramble Vest, Oblivion Orb, Kindlegem, Leeching Leer, Giant's Belt

3. Recommended Full Build: Iceborn Gauntlet, Abyssal Mask, Cosmic Drive, Shadowflame, Rabadon's Deathcap, Boots of Swiftness

Total Gold Cost of Full Build:

1. Iceborn Gauntlet: 2800 gold

2. Boots of Swiftness 900 gold

3.Abyssal Mask: 2700 gold

4. Cosmic Drive: 3000 gold

5. Shadowflame: 3000 gold

6. Rabadon's Deathcap: 3600 gold

Total: 16000 gold

Ability Skill Order:

1. Start with Q (Obliterate) at level 1.

2. E (Death's Grasp) at level 2.

3. W (Indestructible) at level 3.

4. From level 4 onwards, prioritize R > Q > E > W.

General Play Style:

Mordekaiser is a powerful top-lane champion who excels in 1v1 duels thanks to his ultimate, Realm of Death. In the early game, focus on farming and poking the enemy with your Q and E. Once you hit level 6 and get your ultimate, you can start looking for all-ins.

In the mid to late game, look to split push when your Teleport and ultimate are up. In team fights, use your ultimate on key targets to isolate and eliminate them. Remember to use your W to absorb damage and your E to pull enemies towards you.

Your item build provides a mix of damage and survivability. Iceborn Gauntlet gives you armor and cooldown reduction, Abyssal Mask provides magic resist and increased magic damage, Cosmic Drive gives ability power and movement speed, Shadowflame provides magic penetration and ability power, and Rabadon's Deathcap significantly increases your ability power.

How to play Mordekaiser in the early Game:

In the early game, focus on farming and poking the enemy with your Q and E. Use your W to absorb damage and heal yourself. If the enemy engages, you can fight back with your full combo. Once you hit level 6 and get your ultimate, you can start looking for all-ins.

How to play Mordekaiser in the Mid Game:

In the mid game, you should be looking to split push and join team fights with your Teleport. Use your ultimate to isolate key targets in team fights. Remember to keep farming to complete your item build.

How to play Mordekaiser in the late Game:

In the late game, continue to split push and join team fights with your Teleport. You should be very strong at this point and can look to carry team fights with your damage and survivability.

How to Teamfight with Mordekaiser:

In team fights, use your ultimate on key targets to isolate and eliminate them. Use your Q and E to deal damage and your W to absorb damage and heal yourself. Positioning is key in team fights as Mordekaiser is not very mobile.

Dragon and Baron Objective:

For the Dragon and Baron objectives, try to have your ultimate available. You can use your ultimate to isolate the enemy jungler and prevent them from smiting the objective. Remember to ward the area around the objective and call for your team to help.


Good matchups for Mordekaiser are melee champions that he can poke and trade with in the early game.

Bad matchups / Counters include ranged champions and champions with strong early game damage. E.g. Quinn, Jayce, Aatrox, Fiora, Dr. Mundo, Riven, Akali, Olaf etc..

Alright, as Mordekaiser, think of yourself as a heavy metal rockstar, not a TikTok dancer. You won't be busting out any viral dance moves, so make sure you're in the right place at the right time. Use your abilities like you're playing a wicked guitar solo, and you'll be sending your enemies to the shadow realm faster than they can say "GG"!!

The Ultimate Mordekaiser Guide Patch (2024)


What's the best build for Mordekaiser? ›

Based on our analysis of 2 494 matches in patch 14.15 the best build for Mordekaiser is Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Plated Steelcaps, Riftmaker, Liandry's Torment, and Zhonya's Hourglass.

What is Mordekaiser's talent? ›

ABILITIES. Mordekaiser gains a powerful damage aura and Move Speed after landing 3 attacks or spells against champions or monsters. Mordekaiser drags his victim to a different dimension with him and steals a portion of their stats. If he kills them, he keeps the stats until the victim respawns.

Is Morde strong early? ›

Early Game

Morde has a relatively strong 1-3 so against tanks try to get a lead and make their csing very hard. Against champs like renekton or darius be a little bit more careful as they can win the trades so aim to at least go even.

How does Mordekaiser work? ›

Mordekaiser grows in size over 0.25 seconds after successfully stealing his targets' stats, and shrinks over 0.25 seconds after the buff runs out again. The target shrinks over 0.25 seconds after their stats are stolen, but grows back to normal size instantly when the effect ends.

Is Mordekaiser the strongest in the lore? ›

Mordekaiser is likely the strongest specter in all of Runeterra. He possesses near unmatched command over the spirits of the undead, forming a gargantuan army of elite soldiers he can summon to fight at his side.

Who is weak against Mordekaiser? ›

Based on our analysis of 122 284 matches, the best counters for Mordekaiser Top are Cassiopeia, Gwen, Twisted Fate, Warwick and Heimerdinger. On the other hand, Mordekaiser Top counters Udyr, Malphite, Irelia, Cho'Gath and K'Sante.

Can Gangplank escape Morde Ult? ›

Champions like Gangplank, Olaf, and Milio possess abilities that can break free from crowd control effects, including Mordekaiser's ultimate. Gangplank's Remove Scurvy, Olaf's Ragnarok, and Milio's Breath of Life provide them with the means to defy Mordekaiser's grasp and turn the tables in their favor.

Can Soraka heal in Morde ult? ›

You can heal allies in morde's ult with your ult.

Who can beat Mordekaiser? ›

Champions like Malphite counter Mordekaiser during the first 15 minutes of lane phase based on the gold difference.
  • Malphite. WR 50.51% 98 games. ...
  • WR 61.36% 44 games. GD@15. ...
  • Shen. WR 54.49% 78 games. ...
  • Cho'Gath. WR 55.56% 36 games. ...
  • WR 56.25% 32 games. GD@15. ...
  • Sion. WR 51.00% 50 games. ...
  • Urgot. WR 50.00% 40 games. ...
  • Ornn. WR 56.25% 96 games.

Who killed Mordekaiser? ›

The Iron Revenant was defeated, surprisingly, by an alliance of the Noxii tribes, and betrayal from within his own inner circle. This hidden cabal managed to sever the anchors of his soul from his armor, and sealed the empty iron shell away in a secret place. And so, Mordekaiser was cast out of the material realm.

What does morde ult steal? ›

Mordekaiser steals 10% of the target's current size, armor, magic resistance, health, attack damage, ability power and attack speed for the duration of the ability. If Mordekaiser kills his target, he consumes their soul, keeping the bonus stats until they respawn.

What is the best position for Mordekaiser? ›

Mordekaiser is an AP top lane bully with great sustain, item pool, and amazing dueling/teamfight potential.

What is the best first item for Mordekaiser? ›

The Best Items to build for Top Lane Tank Slow Mordekaiser typically begins with Rylai's Crystal Scepter, which is chosen 38.06% of the time and has a 54.36% win rate across 1,566 Top Lane games.

What is the best skin for Mordekaiser? ›

Mordekaiser Skins
#Skin Name ThemeVoice
1Dragon Knight Mordekaiser Dragon WorldFred Tatasciore
2Infernal Mordekaiser InfernalFred Tatasciore
3Pentakill Mordekaiser PentakillFred Tatasciore
4Lord Mordekaiser Rift QuestFred Tatasciore
8 more rows

What is Mordekaiser good at? ›

He is pretty decent during late-game fights, as his AoE abilities will hurt a lot. His survivability is quite appreciable as well. His tankiness will be massive during this phase of the game. He should be focused on absorbing a lot of damage for the enemy team while simultaneously picking off enemies when possible.

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